Ok the 8.8 explorer rear is in so I test fitted the rear tires. Everything looks good except the axle itself seems more centered in the fender towards the front of the car. From the front of the tire to the fender measures about 1 inch and from the back of the tire to the lip of the fender is almost 3 inches!. I'm assuming/hoping this is because the maverick is up in the air, with the frame resting on the jack stands. The rearend assembly is just hanging in the air, no weight on the axle at all. Or has a mistake been made somewhere?
just remove the axle stands and put the car on the ground while someone watches to check clearances on the way down. the rear axle moves in an arc about the front eye since it's location is fixed. the shackle allows the leaf to flatten when compressed so it does not bind and the axle will move slightly to the rear on compression.