My wife called and asked me 'what did you order now?' They had the name Chuck on them, but came from Scott Drake Enterprises California, so I was not certain.. She opened them up and said that's what it was. Then she said 'whoop-de-doo'. At least I was able to find SOMEBODY that would be excited with me. :bananaman :bananaman :bananaman
:bananaman :bananaman :bananaman got a pic. i haven't gotten mine yet....frank...:bananaman :bananaman
sweet i don't think i wasted the extra money at all.:bananaman :bananaman i might even try to get another set. they look like they should have been a grabber option...frank...:bananaman :bananaman
I got them off ebay from Maverick Connection. I believe they were 169 + shipping. They are cast aluminum valve covers. I don't think Chuck Stalnaker has a website, but you can email him through the board if there aren't any on ebay right now.
For Squall: Valve Covers on Maverick Connection ebay Store Updated URL, the original one I posted was for an old listing, not sure why it came up.
would someone let me borrow a set untill mine come? i am going to a mini meet sunday and would like to show them off. lol ...frank...:bananaman :bananaman
I'd lone you my set of valve covers, but it sure would be a mess throwing oil all over the place driving to work today! lol
No, just kidding! Now that it's cool and you can do something outside after work, we no longer have the daylight! Daylight saving should be year-round!
those valve covers really look good. i was thinking i should have ordered a set. guess what? there back. was 4 sets left. now only 3. listing ends in about 9 days from now. the wife insisted i buy them, but she didn't have to twist my arm too much.:bananaman