Back in the early 80's had this really cool Gal I dated,, Some moron from her neighbor hood got a grand Idea. This guy was always trying to pick her up and she would in a nice way refuse his advances,, she never brought this up to me at all and figured he would get tired of the turn downs and just stop. Well no such luck... So on a Saturday after noon she was walking home from the local store. Moron was drinking on a front porch with a couple of his buddies. he see's her walking up the street and these 3 Idiots decide to get there hands on her,,, and let her know how strongly there friend felt about her. so being the True gentalman that there mothers raised, they didnt think it would be wrong to tear her top and paw her up a bit,, After all,, the words Stop and No just didnt fit in there pea brains,, well needless to say after a good long time of this girl yelling and screaming a few people came out to see what was going on,,, and they let her go, she got away pretty bruised up and her cloths were torn,,, had scratches and some cuts on her as well. My girl friend was not only cool,,,she was very smart. She knew Damn well if I found out about this,, I would be getting in some sort of trouble,,, So I called her that evening and told her I was coming over to pic her up for our usual club hopping and hanging out,, she told me she had come down with the flu and she wasnt going any place that night,,, I asked if she wanted me to just come over and sit with her... That was not gonna hapen,,, she had a good excuse,,... So I had called the boys and figured out some plans for the night,,, all was cool,, I met the guys up at the corner gas station we all started to fuel up and joking around making plans. My Bud was in the station,, and the kid that worked there asked what Joe was gonna do to Steve For Hurting his Girl friend. He was stunned. He sayed what are you talking about,,? The kid proceeded to tell my bud about what had hapend to My girl that day,, and sayed it hapend 2 houses away he had seen it. He grabbed the Kid and sayed you tell Joe what you just told me,, and brought him out where I was standing,, after hearing this I walked over to the pay-phone and called my girl,,, I got her mother.. her mother had no problem telling me what went on. as I was hanging up the phone (guess who pulled into the station with his crappy 71 Buick) Yep you guessed it,, I ran towards him and yelled about the plans I had for him. He jumped back in his car and locked the doors,, of course it was not starting as fast as he wanted,, so I took the Filler nozzle out of my tank and broke his rear quarter glass,, and figured I would give him a complimentry fill up, I squeezed that nozzle in his car and he jumped out like a Jack rabbit and ran.. My one friend jumped in his car got it running and took it some place safe,,,... I got in my car and went looking for the Idiot. but he had ran thru the back yards and grabbed his other car,,, The Ford Elite,, I came around the corner as he was backing out of his drive-way,, I was so seeing red,, I floored the Maverick,, T-boned his car on the driver-side and pushed him down the street sideways into a phone pole,, It was a good 100 foot ride for Him,, people came out of there houses from all the squeeling wheels and the crushing metal noises,, Smoke from my wheel spinning was like the foggiest day ever... After his car was part of the pole,, I jumped out and wanted to say hello to Steve,, but he just kept tripping and falling,,,Cant believe how clumsy that guy was,,, he decided it was a good time to take a napp and I figured I should get my tail home,,,after all it was past my bed time ya know,,.. I parked my car at my buds house in the garage and grabbed my other Maverick,,, I wanted to see My Girl.. so I drive back over and yes the police was there... But the only one that seen anything was Steve,, No one else said a thing,,, actually said he was drunk and swerving down the street.. since I had 3 Identicles Mavericks and my car didnt have so much as a scratch the police just arrested him for being delusional and DWI and being recless,, they said for that accident he sure was a mess,,, must not have had his seat belt on...... My Maverick was pretty banged up,, and I am sorry to say she became a parts car,,, her front frame rails were just to bad,, and a car you plan on racing needs to be 100% rite,,, but I was able to drive her home some 4 miles with out any issue's... The M1A Maverick,,, The Moral of the story,,, Mavericks can make great plow horses,,,
Sorry to hear about the Maverick being turned into a parts car but it sounds like it might have been worth it. I bet his buddies will run when they see you coming.
Even if it isn't true (and I'm not saying it isn't) it still provided me with a few minutes of entertainment! Although spelling could use some work, the gentleman definitely has a gift for storytelling. Dare I ask what happened to the girl?
thats insane! kinda reminds me of that scene from goodfellas where ray liota #luk$ up that guy across the street with the stingray lmao! ive never heard of a ford elite, i ran a search. this it?