Four Months ago I had never owned a Ford in my life. Now I own three Mavericks! What the heck is going on . Greg
It's the maverick addiction. My limitation is that I have no room in my house for another car... And my father wont let me put another at his place
I'am in northern Idaho on Forty acres. Everyone has a couple of rigs in there yard. Lawn Ornaments. When they are covered with snow they look real nice. Greg
I'm at my limit. I'm in town and have 4 Mavs and a Comet. Plus 3 other cars and 2 trailers. A Gold wing and trailer.
never thought i would own a maverick either until i saw Erick Aldrich car at a PSCA event and fell in love. i also within 3 months of buying the first one own 3. 2 Grabbers and a Sprint. all factory V-8 cars