There are just a few rooms left for the MCCI Roundup Nationals in Hannibal, MO. The hotel will hold the rooms until July hurry and make your reservations. All info, including hotel information and phone number, can be found at:
Roundup My reservations are in and planning on attending my first Roundup. If the old Comet is running like it is now I hope to drive it. I was hoping to get the AC in but don't look like that's going to happen B4 the event. Im sure I will gain a lot of info and knowledge from those who've been in this hobby a long time. Also, looking foward to meeting some of the folks I see and communicate with on a regular basis.
Speaking from experience It is a wonderful time to be had by ALL. Wish I were able to attend. Maybe one day when I have the Vacation time on the books I will get to come again. Hope everyone has a safe trip there and back. Be careful and have a good time for me too
I'll be going through Chicago (or around) mid afternoon, on the Wednesday July 21, on my to the Round Up.