I think this has been discussed before. Was at the Ford show today at Mustangs Unlimited. Was talking to some guys who showed up in a 70 Boss 302. They've been in Atlanta there entire life. Turns out a friend of there's owns a Mercury Comet Stabber. They said they remember seeing them for sale at Pugmire Lincoln Mercury in Marietta, GA. 302/3-speed with Chrome side pipes and slotted wheels. Pretty sure there is a guy on the board here that has one ... http://mmb.maverick.to/attachment.php?attachmentid=111
I had talked to that board member about that car. Seems his uncle bought it new. It still has the graphics on it that says "Stabber". He emailed me some better pictures of it and the graphics. He had lots of paperwork to back it up. Unfortunatly...I lost it all on my old computer when it crashed and burned.
I've seen that pic many times before. I still don't believe that the GT stripes on it are original. I have never heard if they were supposed to be, they just look very different than all the ones that I have seen. He has a website for that car, I have never seen any 'Stabber' pics but I have heard that it was a dealer promotion package. Seth
There was a dealer optioned car just like this available in knoxville,tn from a dealer named hull-dobbs but the name of it was the bearcat.my 2 cents worth..........pete
another pic Here is another look at that car. I think he goes by 72 Comet GT . After looking at all the pics I have of GTS There are 2 things wrong with the stripes. They should end at the Qtr panel extensions and they are too high. The door keyhole should be in the center of the stripe. Just my 2 cents as it is still a nice car.
Bearcat is the name of the aftermarket wheels that I have seen on at least 3 '71 or '72 Comet GT's. They may have been a dealer add on that was encouraged throughout the country. I know a guy who had one here in Durham back in the mid 80's. They look similar to standard aluminum slots, but deeper than the stock slot that appeared in '73-'76. The wheels are black with either polished cutouts or trim rings around the slots and a chrome/polished center cap-conical and chrome lug nuts. Perhaps there was more to this than the wheels making the 'Bearcat' package. I have never seen any of them with side pipes. There was a set of these wheels for sale on E-bay a few yrs. ago. I used to have a pic but lost them in a computer theft. Seth
Dan, I believe you are correct! Also, a local dealer, Hub Ford, made a Maverick variant, the "El Torro!". His was dark blue, had black grabber stripes, and a few things like dual exhause, logo interior, and special wheels. Nice car.
I bought a 1971 Comet GT at Morristown Lincoln Mercury, Morristown Tennessee in Feburary 1971. Did not receive it until April 71. It was a black GT with silver stripes. in 1972 Morristown Lincoln Mercury had 2 Comet GT bearcats. A black one and a red one they had bearcat chrome metal signs on the rear quarter panels Thrush side pipes but they were not the same as "72 Comet GT's" I have a 72 Comet GT the same color green as his. These cars also had aluminum slots with black centers. Other than that they were Just Comet GT'S. They could have been dealer installed. if so they did a very good job of finishing them.
Hey, Ronald. Let's dig up some old pics of your Comet GT's. I can scan them and post them here. I'll get them back to you unharmed. Seth