but i was thinking of finding a 80's mustang roller engine and put my intake and carb and ignition on it... i dont want to go through the hassles with all the electronics and computers.....just a good strong roller engine with a carb...since my carb and ingition is awesome as it is. Will it Fit? will it work? ideas?
Sure ... lots of folks have done it - most popular swap out there .... I have a 95 roller in mine ... with edebrock intake and carb ...
are they stronger than the 67-85 (or whatever the ending year is) block? what kinds of cars can i find a roller block... there is a junkyard near me...ALL long blocks WITH accessories are 99.99 and a 50.00 fee for warranty...or dont pay warranty... so i am thinking of getting one...i could keep playing with mine,....but then i started to think....maybe the block is bad on mine and thats why it runs hot...not sure...but in any case, a roller block is better...
You have to pay attention to the balance-flywheel and harmonic balancer. Roller engines started in '85 GT Mustangs, LX could be had also with HO 302/5.0. They later added that motor to other cars-such as the Lincoln Mark cars. I am not sure what years to look for. There were some differences in the pistons early on. The block itself is not really different, the roller setup was an adaptation. The fuel injected 5.0 debuted in '86. Prior to that there were some throttle body style fuel injection 5.0's that were not H.O. blocks with roller cams. These came in some Crown Vics and and Marquis, maybe the Town Car too. Seth
I'd look for at 87-up since 86 had true flat top pistons with no valve reliefs and specific heads. the 87 used the E7TE head that powerheads use as their base head. they also have forged pistons from the factory, at least the HO ones, maybe they all did. I pulled apart my son's wrecked 87 GT motor and this is what I found.
so 87 mustang gt and up.... and everything intake and ignitionm wise will drop in place and line up for the edelbrock intake and all that??
Everything lines up ... You will need your original Timing chain cover and oil pan and oil pickup. You will also need a ONE PIECE fuel pump eccentric specially made for late model cams and you may need to use a different cam pin. Also pull the oil slinger from the old engine and put it on the 5.0. You will need to plug the air pump holes in the back of the heads. You will NOT be able to use your original harmonic balancer or flywheel/flexplate since 302's are 28oz imbalance and 5.0's are 50oz imbalance. Here is my 1995 5.0 Crate engine with Edelbrock intake ...
No idea ... it's peppy enough for me ... and if you ask the folks that were at the round-up they can tell you I had no problems getting sideways when I hit second gear on the dragstrip!
Dan, where did you get the eccentric and timing set for yours? I'm also building a 95 5.0, and this is a dumb qeustion, but why do you need the oil slinger from the early 302 if the 5.0 does't have one (that I remember from disasembly, maybe too many beverages)