have 71 maverick 302 v8 with carter afb carb. i cant get rd of the smoking and fule smell. ive tried messing with idle mixture screws but i have hadno luck. when the idle screws are almost bottomed out engine speeds up but ive been told this is too lean. its about half turn from bottoming out. and its smoking greyish black smoke when im at a stop or just parked and strong fuel smell. i dont know what else to do. i changed pcv valve, changed air cleaner and tried adjusting the idle screws. can anyone help? any ideas or suggestions?
Could be a sticking float, or bad needle and seat, stuck metering rod(s)... Also make sure the choke isn't sticking shut and that the PCV is hooked up in the right place. I would suggest starting with a carb rebuild. If you haven't ever done it before, that carb is a good first-time experience. It's very easy to do, your car will run a lot better, and you'll know the condition of the carb. When you do it, write down the numbers on the jets and metering rods, and write down the color of the springs under the rods. These are all adjustment points, so if you do need to do any tuning later you'll know where to start.
I second that. Fuel is getting in somewhere making it too rich. Sounds extensive enough that there is a problem besides just needing adjusted.