1. Stefan

    Stefan Big Cheese Administrator

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Montreal, QC
    In order to post, you must create a new user account.
    Once you create an account, you will receive a confirmation
    e-mail which contains a link that you must click on to complete
    the registration process. Only then you can start posting messages.

    To see all the new posts since your last visit, click on the 'View New Posts" link, located in the top right corner of the main forum page.

    If you would like to create a poll, start a new thread in the appropriate forum and some text to the message box. Next, scroll down to the bottom and 'check' the 'Yes! post a poll' option, followed by the 'Submit new Thread' button. Enter in your poll question and answer, followed by the 'Submit new poll' button.

    If you want include a pictures in your signature and have no where to host it, please e-mail( maverick@maverick.to ). I may trim it in size if it is to big.

    Some members may not like to see the same picture over and over again or do not want to wait for all the pictures to download in order to view a thread.

    If you do not want to see pictures in signatures you can turn them off in your
    user control panel.

    From the main forum page, click on 'user cp', followed by 'Edit Options' and scroll down to the 'Thread View Options'. Make the change(s) and click on 'Submit Modification'

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