6-71 blower vs 174 Weiand blower . . . most days I want the 174 but some days I want the 6-71. The car is a daily driver and has to remain that way. I will only do a single carb whichever I decide to go with. The price difference isn't enough to tilt the scales. My main concern really is a huge blower sticking through the hood, I don't want that kind of attention. So I'm open to suggestions . . .
I don't know enough about blowers to have an opinion...... But I can say you gotta love a car that has one......lol
Sorry this is not a suggestion, altho it could be... When I get the money, i'm sticking it out the hood. The attention is awsome but I just like the looks and I want to feel the go.
blower just think of it this way, if you were a car, wouldn't you want to be blown???and i would defienetly have it sticking out of the hood. just the looks you would get will be priceless.
True, well put. But I want to have all the perspectives from as many people as possible. When I bought my other car which is a little taller than other SUV's nobody told me (and I never considered) that I wouldn't be able to park in most malls and parking garages. I ended up having to valet or park on the street. Matter of fact, I couldn't park inside our parking lot for my work which was very painful since I got there at odd hours. If someone for example says "hey, having a blower stick out of your hood while you are parked out in the rain might be bad for something under your hood" then I might want to take that into consideration. And if everyone says "dude, you'll be so much happier with a 6-71 than a small blower" and I later regret not getting the bigger blower, I'd be upset at myself. Needless to say, I don't wanna be upset at myself so I take in all the info I can, in the end I'm usually content with the major decisions I make.
i got it!!! put the 174 on top of a 671. that way you get the best of both worlds. we can get some sheet metal and make a meag scoop so the rain wont be a problem at all. oh and just ignore the huge blind spot infront of you. sounds good doesnt it.
that was a good one, I mean I'm really sorry that happened and I feel for both you and your car but I never thought about that. See, what if I didn't ask! that's great stuff, more to add to my arsenal before I make the final decision. Keep em coming, I can take it.
make it a sleeper with nothing sticking out of the hood... just a matter of taste, but i think otherwise it would look ugly, especially on a daily driver.
here are some not a maverick but i had to put this in there for ya http://image.highperformancepontiac..._pro_street+side_view_of_the_twin_blowers.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?img...=6-71+maverick&hl=en&rlz=1T4GGIE_enUS289US290
what's the boost diff between them i would go with the small one for a daily driver because some people will hate on you and mess with it or steal it you can put a hood scoop on the hood to hide it and when you want to get some more looks you can put on a blower scoop like in this video [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAI-KV9iguY"]YouTube- 88 mustang gt 347 blower[/ame]
this procharger is on a mustang but the height is alot lower than a roots http://www.mustangmonthly.com/techa...289_paxton_supercharger_install/photo_09.html