There is a very rusted out '74 Mustang II in a junkyard around here with a 6 cylinder and floor shift. Would the linkage and arm off the trans work to put a floor shift in a Mav? I have an original Comet floor shifter. The Mustang II still has the floor shifter in it. It's got a wood grain finish to the parts that aren't chrome, and the chrome has surface rust. I don't think the shifter itself would be worth getting. That and I don't want to get in the car to remove it, the smell of rat s#!t is overpowering when you open the door...
The arm or bracket should work. I haven't personally tried it, but since it's a C4, I see no reason why it would be different...
I guess I'll go back and get arm/bracket and the linkage. The linkage may or may not work but for the whopping 2-3 bucks it would cost I'm willing to try it.
Dosen't it just have a nut that holds it on? In any case, it's a junkyard. I don't think anyone will care to much what I take off and throw in the bed of the burned up truck next to it.
You cannot get to the nut inside without dropping the valve-body. It's not a big deal, just a bit messy (tranny fluid goes all over the place)...
Well, everything but the seats are there and in ok condition, but I bet you wouldn't want any of it if you smelled the inside of this car. Smells like about 50 rats took a dump and then died in that thing. You would seriously need a gas mask to go inside this car. The interior is red. Anything specifically you are looking for? I know of several Mustang II's in junkyards around here.
The exterior of the car is mostly complete. It has some sort of aluminum wheels on it. Didn't pay much attention to them though. I will be going right by there today going down to the Atlanta Ford Plant tour. I can stop and get some pics of the car if you want. Not supposed to take cameras in the Pull A Part for some reason but I have done it before. Just gotta be sneaky about it.
IF Jamie can't help you, I have a black A/T center console from a Mustang II Mach I that I parted out back in the 80's. It's in pretty good shape. $50 plus s/h. I can provide pics but not immediately. Seth