ajusted the timing today and took it out on the street... i sat in the middle of the road and punched it... HOLLY COW MY CAR BURNS OUT!!! the 3rd time i punch it and it takes off sideways head down the road a bit (about 3 miles) and turn around... this time to do it again but nothing happens???? were my tires to hot you think??? or is it just the angle of the road... i could have sworn the first 3 times were level:16suspect pointless post but im bored
yah my car whouldent do it some times but when i let off of the brake it whould start to spin i think it was the rear brakes griping to much and they grip better when hot
probly got your motor too hot or the trans. or even every thing. the tires (if they are regular street tires) will actually get greasy if they get to hot and will be easyer to burn out.
Ya..mine too. I had to mount some weights under the front bumper to keep the front end down at red lights.
mine makes a sound like laughing when I punch on the gas... oh wait that might be me.... I can't wait to get a v-8 in mine , but for now the six works well.
Mavcrazy...the message board LEGEND. Post #9 by courier11sec will go down in history as one of the all time best, in my mind!
bs never gets old it gets told over and over and, well you get the idea, that thread is classic , i liked it the first time i got to read it. glad you got it out again it never gets old..