my homeade Monte Carlo bar in my I6 car

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by m in sc, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. m in sc

    m in sc Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    rock hill sc
    76 maverick 2 door, 62 6 cyl falcon, 66 390 Galaxie, and lots of vintage 2-stroke motorcycles
    was playing around on saturday, whipd this up from some stainless stock i had laying around. tig welded the bar at the angle, and migged the plates, made a huge difference. (car is lowered as well and has ft/rear swaybars).


    had the wrong shielding gas in the mig welder, woops. going to go back over these this weekend (below). weld is wrapped all the way around as well, just fyi.


    shock top points are raised because car is lowered.

    Russell, ike72com and mojo like this.
  2. mojo

    mojo "Everett"- Senior Citizen Supporting Member

    Jul 20, 2009
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    What kind of difference the bar made and was it significant? Been thinking about doing something like it, but have big air cleaner and AC compressor to circumvent. I like the way u connected bar to towers -- first I've seen attached to towers like yours.
  3. m in sc

    m in sc Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    rock hill sc
    76 maverick 2 door, 62 6 cyl falcon, 66 390 Galaxie, and lots of vintage 2-stroke motorcycles
    thanks. Jus tmade sense to me to mount them there. When i really push it through a corner, I mean driving like an ass, it just stays really planted, i used to feel some feedback through the wheel I didn't like when changing direction quickly, that's all gone when really giving it the full beans in a corner. I'm also running dirt track wheels, and some 235-60-15 series tires all the way around.
    I tested it in the local business park and treated it like an autocross track, even jumped some railroad tracks at like 50 mph, seems to be really good (wanted to see if it would break) . i know, irresponsible but no one was around and i don't drive like that normally.
    whats prompted me to do it, was really the radiator. It started leaking a bit at the upper tank where the rows came in, only thing i can think that did it was the front of the car twisting somewhat. TBH, a straight (or straighter) bar would have probably cleared IF my throttle linkage wasn't in the way, just barely. Since this pic i changed the airfilter to a smaller edelbrock diamond one, which i actually hate. but did it do help the carb stay a bit cooler at idle. it -just- clears but i have it sitting at a weird angle. I've decided to actually get a scoop for the hood and use an offset base round airfilter for it so i can get some heat out from under the hood.

    I also have a new radiator to put in but will mount it with rubber grommets in the holes to allow it to take some flex of the rad. support.
    mojo likes this.

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