This '64 Fairlane was on ebay but, it was local to me. It was approximately 1 1/2 hours away. I called the owner and I had to go check it out in person.
looks like a nice put put car. I would change the color other than that just cruise it. paint it that old school off white almost like an almond color but not almond and not white maybe bone? that would be a nice color for that car yep looked at it again change the color and I couldnt remember if it had baby moons on it and it does
Cool Fairlane If you deside you are going to repaint it...I think Thunderbolt Maroon would look better than Corinthian White
Yeah, at least Fairlane stuff is fairly easy to come by. Thank you. I should have my new shop built by mid June. I can't wait to get it in there and really get it squared away.
It looks like your car may be a Fairlane, not a Fairlane 500 in the pics. Back in 64 Andy Hotton (of DST where Thunderbolts were built) made a small block B/FX Fairlane much like a Thunderbolt. It was also red in color. A very cool drag car in it's day. The car was later converted to Thunderbolt trim and fitted with a 427 in the 70s. It still races today.