These are some of my random Maverick / Comet pictures that i have collected through the years. Now that my scanner is hooked up i have a new toy to play with.I want to post all my pictures of Mavericks and Comets that i have kicking around as i find them and i figure all Mavericks and Comets should get their 15 minutes of fame no matter how old the photo is even if the car is long gone or still exists. This is Graham's Maverick from May 2006 at the Waterdown swap meet and car show. And this is what it looks like now. Feel free to add your random pictures too if you have some and no where to put them.
This one is of my Comet from about 6 years ago....... and there's not much to say about it other than...... it was a different time........... that's all. By the way that's not me as i'm much taller by at least an 1" and 1/4.
Now these pictures were posted before but i removed them when i needed room in my account. That has now changed with this great new option that we have. This Maverick was parked on Lakeshore in Mississauga in July 2008 at a small garage. The car is pretty plain but i just love the thought of a random sighting out of the blue of a Maverick parked. I have never seen the car again. It looks like it has no engine so maybe it will become someones future hotrod, who knows.
A man sometimes has to carry a park bench with him wherever he goes so his friends can sit with him when he parks. Come on man, don't you know that.
I remember seeing that car on Lakeshore. Parked the same as your pics. Had breakfast next door to it. We must have been there damn near the same time. We fished Port Credit in the AM and stopped for a bite on the way home.
Well let's hope that Maverick is being made into a sweet toy for some lucky owner and we will all see it at the shows.
Here's an old picture that's on a car trading card complete with the Mavericks racing stats, i picked it up at a swap meet about 15 years ago.
actually, if you take some of those bumper guard rubber strips and put them on top, you have a nice no-slip place to sit. who knows, that could be the new hang-out rear bumper. back up to a picnic table and everyone has a nice place to sit and still have a cool car with ya at the same time.
Oh yeah now those are to sweet, like i always say, "How can you not like the body lines on a done to the hilt Maverick and Comet". yeah i know that there are people out there that don't like Mavericks and Comets but come on just look at those pictures, man do they look great!
Here's the Deadboy Maverick in all it's glory as the picture was taken from my T.V. with my digital camera. Yeah the picture is no hell but i tried!