On my 1971 Maverick, there is a plug-in harness for the coil, oil sending unit, and water temp sending unit. Also connected at the same point is a red wire with a dotted yellow stripe going down one side of it. When I check it with a multimeter I get 11.5v switched with the key. The wire has a large socket type white plug on it. I would like to use it to switch a relay for my pertronix as well as my tach and oil gauge power wires. Any ideas?
There's not much else under the hood that needs switched power other than the electric choke. Its not that is it? If it doesn't run a gauge or an idiot light you can use it for just about anything. You could try grounding it thru a test lamp and see if you get a dimly lit idiot lamp or a strange gauge reading. Or (not recommended) just ground it and see which fuse blows or which part now smolders.
I have a wiring diagram for a 72 and it shows a group of red/y wires (tied together). One goes a temperature sensor which is a 2 wire sensor, and different from the one that turns on the engine hot light. Another leg goes to the seat belt warning system. The last leg goes to some kind of throttle solenoid/modulator. Dont know if thats a cruise control or a emissions thing.
took a look at the digrams for the 71 but didnt find a red/w yellow http://www.maverickcomet.com/Wiring/MavWiring/1971/1971MavMain.pdf
I finally found it under "throttle modulator," I'm going to use it to run the relay for my pertronix.
Why do you need a relay for the Pertronix? It draws only a very small amount of current, all it does is switch the negative side of your coil to and from ground.
But it would work to run the relay if you are wanting to use that wire. And Barry, this past week I was the statue. Dan
I have the same wire on my 72. It is for the throttle modulator and now runs my choke for the new holly carb