Anyone be willing to come by to look at a 302 HO that will not stay running, I am stumped. Was running decent then I changed out fuel pump/lines and car will not idle and is making engine noise. You usually have to floor gas pedal to start car (fuel injected) and continue to give it gas to keep it running. Car shakes really bad, I checked plugs and they were wet looking and smelled like gas. Any help is appreciated. New fuel pump New fuel filter Fresh gas Checked fuel pressure 38-40 Replaced temp sensor Checked/Cleaned IAC Replaced and adjusted TPS Checked all vacuum lines and sprayed carb cleaner Checked timing with light Car has new plugs/wires/cap/button/coil Checked EGR and installed block off plate Swapped MAP Replaced Ignition Module (On distributor) Installed Oil pressure gauge, 50 psi cold. Cleaned up several grounds in engine bay I put a stethoscope on the valve covers and I can hear ticking coming from each Fuel Pressure Regulator not leaking
The ticking sound if the injectors actuating. It sounds like a crossed plug wire or it may have jumped time. Only other thing maybe the crank trigger is faulty. In short, It doesn't sound like mechanical.
Mass air or speed densety?? OK since you said swapped MAP, I'll assume speed density... Fuel pressure should be around 30-33psi with vacuum connected to regulator, 39 without vacuum... Also it's fairly common for the regulator diaphragm to leak and cause a rich condition... If there is any sign of fuel at fuel pressure reg vacuum port, it's bad... What firing order are you using??? EDIT have you checked codes??? Anything running as badly as this should be setting codes...
Sounds like it could be the Fuel Pressure Regulator ?? Ruptured Diaphragm ? The ONLY thing you changed was the Fuel Pump and Line ?? How long was the car Down for while you changed the lines and fuel pump ? Was it down long enough for the diaphragm to rot ? Cometized (Chip)
Car is speed density. Only codes are for emissions equipment and egr which is disconnected. I did not see any fuel coming out of vacuum on fuel regulator. I was getting 40psi with engine off and 38 psi while running at the schrader valve. I am using what I found online for firing order, it was listed as for the 302 HO. I can verify and post later. The car was down for about a month when I changed the fuel pump and lines. Car did sit for about 8 years before I got it but I have had it running well several times over past few months.
Believe it's from a fox mustang, previous owner did swap. Anything possible but to me it seems like too much fuel vs not enough.
If it's from a late '80s T-Bird or full size it uses the std firing order of 15426378... What color are the tops of injectors??
I am using 13726548. If it was standard firing order would it even run? I believe injectors are gray with orange tops but I will verify tonight.
Orange tops are HO inj... Yeah they'll run with wrong firing order, just really lousy... Does it have good vac to MAP sensor(most common reason for extremely rich condition)??? And you're not using a mass air meter??? Mass air setups use the MAP as a baro sensor without vac connected... We're probably going to need the ECM catch code to know what you really have...
I will double check vac to MAP tonight. I don't even see a MAF sensor. I believe it's a speed density wire harness and ECM.