OK, I am a novice when it comes to this topic... Is changing motor mounts as simple as carefully jacking up the motor, putting jackstands under it for good measure, and unbolting a couple mounts and bolting in two new ones??? I know this may sound amateur to most of you but I have never done this before. Am I better off taking it to a mechanic?? The motor twisted up and threw out the transmission linkage. I had a friend step on the brakes and the gas together for me so I could get it back in place. This is bad that I can do this, right?? Does that sound like mounts or something more??? There is a terrible vibration when I drive down the road lately, in gear OR in neutral. Once in a while there is a clunk for good measure. Tranny is less than a year old, I have been told that u-joints are tight (I dont trust anyone though). Could this be the rear end?? U-Joints? or what I really suspect, something to do with a motor just floating around under the hood. Any thoughts??
if you have to the motor mounts can be changed with the engine in place. one bolt going from front to back holds the motor mount to the frame mount. and two bolts hold the mount to the engine. i'd do one side at a time. if you jack up under the oil pan, use a wide board. i got my mounts at napa for about $13 each.
when do the car make the noise...under acceleration...deceleration....all the time.... automatic tranny....manual??
It vibrates all the time the car is rolling, in gear or in neutral. I noticed it was especially bad with a full load of passengers, two in the backseat. that was when the vibration was worst, and when clunking was most noticable. The clunking happens very rarely otherwise, mostly noticable when I am in slow moving stop and go traffic. It can be unnerving, because it really seems like there might be a major mechanical failure at any moment... but luckily it has not happened (yet). When the tranny linkage popped out, it made me aware of the "looseness" of the motor in the engine compartment. I am thinking that is at least part of the problem here. What do you think?
Could be your universals, a bad universal could cause a clunk as well as vibration. Check this out soon or you'll be looking at possible disaster, a driveshaft coming loose can be dangerous.
I think the best advice i could give is don't drive the car till you make some of the repairs the guys above suggested. That sounds really dangerous. Motor & Trans mounts are easy. Get a buddy to help it goes easier with 2 sets of hands Good Luck Mike Don, back seat comment CRACKED ME UP. That was a good one!!!!!
just for your information....if the u-joints fail, your driveshaft can launch your entire car up into the air and at 40 mph or higher could mean death to you or another motorist.... if the clunk was louder with weight i would have to say either u-joints or rear end gear.... but it could also be the crank, or it could be flexplate hitting something.... it could be any number of things...but i would take to a shop and see if they do a free diagnosis and give you an estimate...that way you know what to buy and what to fix.. FYI... most brake shops, like midas, meineke, and others usually do a free check on a car, dont tell them you want an estimate only....just tell them you want to know what the problem is and what it would cost.... then get the estimate...and if you can afford it get it fixed...if you cannot afford it, then say oh man i cant afford that right now...can i get an estimate and get back to you in a few days when i get the money together... it helps to find some hard to find problems... good luck....and be safe
Thank you all for your advice, I appreciate it. I have not been driving it, and have made an appointment for Monday to get it checked out by my tranny shop who did the trans last year. I told them I have a drivetrain vibration, and I suspect motor mounts and U-joints. I will also have them check the rear end. I will get it fixed weather or not I have the money. I would rather owe my credit card company than risk life and limb.
So far I fixed two broken motor mounts and replaced the trans mount. That much is better, vibration has lessened but not been eliminated. It sounds/feels like a small airplane when driving on the highway. (Not extremely loud or anything, but that is the type/frequency of the vibration). Does this sound like a front end issue?? The u-joints are OK. It is too frequent of a vibration to be an out of balance wheel or something like that. I know of at least one squeak in the front bushings, so I am thinking the front end could at least use a good once over. How does one know if their rear end is acting up??? Please, no comments on that last question
DJ; is the vibration in the steering wheel, or in the seat of the pants? If the steering wheel, problem is in the front end. If in the seat of the pants, have the rear tires balanced, and check the bearings in the axles and the pinion. If the u-joints are good, these are the likely candidates.
when I have two people in the back of my car I hear a clunk sound sometimes too just tells me I need to put air in my shocks. that's probably not very helpful information though but ya never know