OK guys heres the skinny. I've been running my maverick at the strip for a few passes now and ran a best et. of 13.85 after doing the 3.8 taurus fan swap. The car was shifted at 5k with no problems. Then a few ford guys said that we were shifting too soon and should shift it at 55-56k and should lose .5 tenth on my et. Now here is my problem, at approx 5300 rpm the car falls flat on its face, coughin and sputtering. It did this at both the 1-2 shift and the 2-3 shift ( with a C4 ). This is weird cuz a 302 should rev to about 6200 with out any problems ( even when stock ). I have an ACCEL distributor with ACCEL super coil wired into the stock wiring ( no box ). I have a HOLLEY red fuel pump and a Fram fuel filter. The carb is an EDELBROCK 600 cfm on WEIND intake. Any sugestions on where to look first? I dont want to chase this and replace things not needed. I will replace everything if that is what it takes but dont want to unless neccasary.
13.85 is darn good for a stock 302, how many miles on the motor? With you revving that high on a stock motor you might be getting into a valve float issue. You could try bumping your timing up a little and see if it helps but it does sound like you are running out of fuel, make sure fuel filter is good.
You need to play. I agree with Maverick5946, it's one of the two. For racing I would set your timing to 28 degree at 2000 rpm this might be a little high but you could adjust one way or the other. If you are still running the 5/16 standard fuel line from your tank then it's a good chance you are running out of fuel and maybe fuel pump. NOW DO THIS! Change one thing at a time, and see if that helped or not. Good luck and keep everyone posted. Bossmav
one other thing you might try.....check the plugs while it is running (at night) it needs to be dark....I once had a miss at higher rpm's. Took me till nightfall to figure out what was wrong ended up one of the plugs was/where cracked around the ceramic area. and it was jumping out the boot....when it was dark I could see it. But I would still guess its timing or fuel.
I think that's a outstanding question! It would show if the timing or a mis-fire was the problem, even if the fuel was the cause. The dyno fuel system would not be restricted. Now that is if the engine was out of the car and in a speed shop. A rear wheel dyno would help but may not tell the hole story. I like that type of (out of the box) thinking, way to go Gene! Bossmav
Seems to me, in the case of a bad plug or wire, u wld not need to rev to 5300r's before it came into play...The timing or gas...or both...
I would definitely have to disagree with you! It happened to me, so that of which I speak I know to be true.
There are very good ideas here, but if I was to pick one... I am on the "valve float" bandwagon. Weak valvesprings...
I use to have some thing like that, try taking out the hood just to see if you need more air if you do is time to put a scoop or ram air or something,,, good luck
Heck they'll go 6500....but will it be making any power? I think not. I agree...13.85 on a stock 302--that is great! Faster than half of the factory "muscle" cars (mustang, firechicken etc.)