hey people!!!!!!! I need help already!!!! im stumped with the car!!! can anyone in my area (houston-rosenberg TX) please come check my car out! I cant get it to start and dont know what to do anymore. sometime on the weekend. Ill try and give directions! Im desperate already! I want the car running again already! Ill pay for the gas money! thanks alot!!!!
Did you post it already....if not, whats it doing, or not doing? Good luck....hopefully someone can help. I know if I was near you I would be there.
yea i posted it as a starter solenoid problem, but I have no idea what it is anymore because I already put a new solenoid. when I try and start the car the fan keeps turning even when I take the keys out (yea car not started just trying to start) and drains battery completely. Dont know if its starter, or solenoid wiring, alternator. Maybe all three. I dont know Any help will be greatly appreciated thanks! thanks for the good luck!
I think I remember steering you towards the ignition switch...but it's been awhile. Have you tested that?
A test light might be verry helpful in this situation. You should invest in one. They cost around $6-$15. It has a sharp point on one end and has small 12volt bulb in the handle part with a wire to attatch to ground. When the point touches power, the light turns on.
I agree with Mavaholic. Sounds like the solenoid is wired up wrong. Here is mine... Big red wire is battery hot, big black wire is hot to the starter attached to rearfacing big screw. The one with the inline fuse is to the relay that activates my fan and fuel pump always hot, there is another yellow one that activates the relay. You may not have these on yours. Attached to the small screw facing the front of the car is a red wire with blue stripe from wiring harness. Rear-facing small screw has red wire with green stripe. Also on the big one with the red battery cable is a fat orange wire with a fusible link on it from the harness. Not sure what these all are, but they make mine run OK. I will PM you my phone number. Call me Friday during the day, I should be home...
help needed coming hey duster I will come to help you free of charge just pay for gas give me a call at 832-606-0160 i will bring some tools and meter and test light. Just give me a call and let me know what the problem is and we will go from there.
Roland is really good with ignitions...I watched him fix an issue that some friends spent a day and a half on, and he fixed it in about 5 minutes.