My ignition switch is jammed up and the key won't go all the way in to release the tumblers...what can I do to bi-pass the switch until I get a new one? I have to go to work in the morning so please help me in detail asap please.
Try spraying the tumblers with PB Blaster or WD-40. Try to insert the key one way and then turn it over and try the other side. Does the car have an auto or manual tranny? I'm not trying to be a smarty, but make sure your inserting the proper key. The reason I said that is because it happened to me. (only once)
Do what Part-Time said it sounds like a jambed tumbler or a worn bore for a tumbler. My guess is either you or a previous owner had a heavy keychain, the weight of the keychain will create excessive wear. I would suggest that you swap the ignition cylinder right away if you get the key inserted and turning.
After missplacing my keys one time, I can tell you how to make your car work without them. First you need to pull the steering wheel and disable the steering wheel lock. It is a spring loaded pin at the top of the column. I just pulled the ring and put a few layers of electrical tape over the pin. Once the ring is screw back in, it will stay retracted. Now you can put the wheel back on. Next you have to get to the ignition switch. It is mounted on top of the steering column. The key switch is attached to a rod that goes down to the ignition switch. Remove the 2 bolts holding the switch on and you can lift it off the rod and let it hang down. Make sur you put some electrical tape around it so it dont short out anything. You can then operate the switch with your hands.
theifs taking notes? hahaha Im only joking -Todd p.s. I think I will start locking my doors as if it would help...
Naw man, I would'nt do that Well, I gotter fixed. I pulled the wheel and removed the white plastic ground wire holder/connector has one screw..put they key in, and "tapped" it only a couple times , put a pair of vice grips on the butterfly and kinda helped it turn if ya know what I my surprise it was freeing up but was trashed cause something inside where the key slides was bent up and samwiched in the back.. well there is a little pin that will retract if you turn the key forward half way, used a small flat head screw driver and pushed the pin up and pulled the lock cylinder right out and slapped in the new one! all is well thanks to a link I found using search. Thank you all for having this info available.