I'm looking for the man who sold me my Comet. His name is Scott Bateman. He was living in Sherwood, Oregon at the time. If anyone knows him would you PM me some contact info. Thanks. This is what the car looked like when I got it from him.
No, unfortunately. er, ah, I mean fortunately. He was interested in possibly buying back my Comet. So I'm just trying to get back in touch with him.
Could it possibly be spyguy? He's the only Scott i know of on here from Oregon. Not sure on his last name though.
No problem, I also texted him to see if he's the one who sold it. See if he replies and I'll keep you in touch.
You found me! I PM'ed you my number and would love to check out the Comet. Always regretted letting it go. I actually saw it when it was sitting out in North Plains. I stopped in an even left a card with the guys in there. Told em I wanted to talk to it's owner but I guess they didn't pass the message along. If you got some time to meet up let me know what works for you. Spyguy