the forth gear in my 91 AOD went out a while ago still drivable, but in the process of having it rebuilt. I have a friend who will rebuild it for me free of labor. but all i have to do is buy the parts... so im currently looking at AOD master rebuild kits.. need opinions please!! i was told just parts alone no labor would be 600-800 bucks... that doesnt sound right to me, so im finding a bunch of rebuild kits online ranging from 199-350 bucks.. sounds reasonable. just need to know if im forgetting anything also?? this is the rebuild kit im currently thinking about, will it work?? looking forward to responses.... with the death of my father and him passing his pride an joy down to me to complete, i have knowledge of mavericks an comets, BUT this site is where i go to seek any information! were a big maverick family so lets stick together
PaulS will be the one to tell you what you need, and what it should cost. I just take mine to the shop, and pay the bill, I don't know what's inside that case, it's voodoo to me.
I know when one of our techs at work had his AOD done there were a few updated hard parts that bumped the price up. Guess it would depend on the production year. We see it at work with the Chryslers. You could get a simple overhaul kit but if you look up factory or good aftermarket kits they will also change up hard parts that were a problem part. Perhaps this is the difference in your overhaul parts.
I researched the AOD's pretty hard... search the forums here. And yes PaulS in THE MAN on those. They vary greatly year to year, and there are several upgrades needed during a good rebuild to make it strong, almost as strong as a stock C4, if I remember what I read. I also read AOD spelled backwards is.... DOA that was my conclusion.. Type this in a Google search bar and hit enter; aod a great search tip courtesy of Facelessnumber
if it's a...race car...put a Glide in it. if it's a...street car...put a stock rebuild kit in , adjust the cable correctly and the millions of others out there...
AOD is a complete hydraulic controlled transmission. There are no electronics at all. That's the reason most people swap them into older stuff.
AOD has no solenoids and they used them through 93 on some models. A master overhaul kit plus the power pack kit, a new OD band and a+ OD servo and a constant pressure valve body will make the AOD as reliable as the C4 in most cases. for the average parts and Broader Performance for the upgrade parts. Make a call to Jay and he can help with upgrade parts. $300 - $400 for a master overhaul kit is about right but the expensive parts are the upgrade parts - they make the AOD stay together for a long time. You are sure this friend of yours has the tools and skill to build a good AOD?