Gonna go and redo the exhaust I got on my Mav about three years ago. I need some suggestions on what kind of muffler\exhaust combo to use to try to keep it as quiet as possible. It's finally gotten on my nerves that I hear more of the motor than the radio. So anyway, some suggestions on muffler choice is greatly appreciated and would also like to know if a straight pipe would be the best idea for now since I have no headers.
Since you have a Six cyl i would Get a turbo muffler. Their perfect, at part throttle their quite. But when you step on them they sound just like a Flowmaster. And the way i know this is because i put one on after i had the turbo on there. I got the cherrybomb turbo II at autozone for under $20. I have videos on youtube under the name "acmav289" .
In my opinion, if you have a 6 cyl....even a turbo muffler is too loud. I had one on a 6 cyl I had. Gave me a headache to drive it long distances. Just get a standard muffler.
I agree w/ Craig. Although I don't have a 6cyl it had Cherry Bombs on my car when I bought it 13 mos. ago. I kept them abt 2 weeks and had some regular nr stock mufflers installed and can now hear my stero. If you just drive the car on local streets and short distances and don't mind the noise Cherry Bomb type mufflers might work. If u drive the car on the highways for anything over and hour the noise becomes overbearing - at least to me it does. If ur lookin for quiet - go for something nr stock.
Yep, get a stock-type muffler but with larger than normal inlet and outlet and pipes to match. Or even put on a y-pipe and make duals.