well i just got this maverick to use as a daily driver and fix up at the same time. i dont really know much about working on cars "yet" The car idles smooth but when i press on the gas it shakes like crazy. a friend of mine said this could be because i need to bleed the brakes but that it could also be the flexplate wich doesnt make any sense to me. what else could it be?
It could be a lot of things or just one thing.. Here are some ideas: Tune up(distributor cap, rotor, spark plug wires, spark plugs, air filter, fuel fiter, PCV valve, oil change) Carburetor(rebuild or adjust) Drivetrain issue(bad u joints, motor mounts or a transmission mount can cause vibration)
The brakes need to be bled? Hmmm...I'm gonna go out on limb and guess that your friend repairs computers or something rather than cars for a living. I'd definitely try plugs and wires first...just a good general tuneup, and it could be carb problems too. But not brakes.
No kind of shaking requires bleeding the brakes that I am aware of lol. If it shakes when you apply the brakes then there is probobly a rotor run out problem. That means at least one brake rotor is warped.
brakes shaking a car when you press the gas???? next thing be the tail lights causing a blow out lol.