just traveling around and found this web site. thought the information was great! i do have a question ?? purchased a set of TWO carbs CARTER 4157s? was told off a 427 ford? my little research says true but was told only worth 50.00 or so as a core? thats a bit hard to swallow? looking for information ?? one response was > galixie 1964 holeman- mooney ?? thats hard to believe too and only be worth 50.00. i want to sell them and get them to the right person to use? dont want to ebay or clasify them unless i know exactly what i have and a price estimate? thanks for letting the newbee get in so easily and be a part of the maverick team. i have a 302 70 grabber and a 70 torino 351c gt torino. great [ DIFFERENT cars!! thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! email to dane.oh@netzero.net if needed thanks Eddie should have been in 64 galaxie and lter motors from holman-mooney should have been in 64 galaxie and lter motors from holman-mooney
carter d9 4157s carbs information needed should have been in 64 galaxie and lter motors from holman-mooney looking for information for these carbs for resale. i picked them both up was told 427 ford. i found out to be true but cant find a used value. i want these to go to the right person was told holeman- mooney used thes number of carbs? was told 50.00 as cores?? thanks eddie
carter d9 4157s carbs information needed any information was told 427 ford ?? worth 50.00 for cores, i have matching set of 2 . told holeman-mooney used this numberd carbs? i want to get to right person for right price?? any help?? thanks Eddie
from Southern California You may want to post your question in the technical section. Not everyone will see it in the new member thread. If selling post in the parts for sale section. Have patience, someone will chime in...good luck.
edsrod, to the site from Colorado. As for your carbs, I am sorry to give you this info but they vary in value as builder carbs. If the venturie rod ports in the base are worn out (shafts has orbital movement) they aren't worth anything unless you can find someone that needs them for parts. If they are tight and will not suck air then you might get between $45 and $75 apiece for them if somebody is in need of them for a restoration project. They are not that scarce and not really in to much demand. The cost of rebuilding them limits the core value. The fact that Holman and Moody used them doesn't factor in to the value, as they used several parts in their builds which most of were purchased parts. What creates the value is if someone needs them because they are restoring a H&M car that had them on it. Hope this helps.
another new guy dbailey hi dbailey with no computer skills but a love for cars and a 72 cometgt ialso need a few parts where do i find parts for sale section