hello every one im not really new to this site but its been about 10 years since i was on here last couldnt remember my old password so i started a new account any way ive had my early modle 1970 mav since i was 14 for the last 10 or so years its been in a shed at my grandpas place but ive decided thats its about time i got the old girl out and redone the propper way
back from Northeast Pennsylvania Does your car have the ignition under the dash? When you get a chance add your VIN number to the link below so it can be adeed to the master list http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=61672&page=26
my old handle was mavaholicnutcase its been a long time since i used that 2 wives and 7 kids tend to make you forget about stuff from highschool but now my life has settled down and i finally have time towork on the mav again