Hello! The time has finally come for me to start filling up the empty shell that once upon a time held a straight-6, and I'm looking for advice! See pic for what she looks like now. Here's what my goals are for engine/transmission. Any help would be most appreciated! - Price isn't a huge issue, but I'd rather not spend more than $7k - V8 obviously - Nothing that will twist the car in half. I'm not into racing and will be driving this baby around town a lot, but I do want to have power when I need (ok "want") it! - I'd like something that has at least a little bit of "brains" (PCM/ECU? I'm not versed in this), so I can connect an iPad to monitor RPM and other engine data, etc. - Something that won't require a lot of modification to install I know I'm probably leaving some things out here. Forgive me, it's been a long time since I've done any work on this car and I've forgotten so much. Thanks so much for any advice!
Sounds to me like you don't really need anything a junk '87-'93 5.0 Mustang can't provide... Of course those are now, ahem, classics so finding a cheap parts car isn't as easy as it once was... I've considered a EFI setup for my Comet, but in the end it's just easier to stick with the carb...
7K will be tight going from drive shaft to harmonic balancer...oil pan plug to breather nut... you're talking...transmission, alt, starter, pullys, EFI w/computer, radiator, fans, motor mounts/stands, headers, fuel pump, rear gears, ETC. ETC...