Hey guys recently purchased a 1974 2 door Maverick really excited about it. Hope this forum will be a valuable resource to me I'm a 17yr old guy no real experience with this but I'm really excited to learn. I'll try to post some pics of my car tomorrow if anyones interested in helping the new kid figure out what needs to be done.:Handshake
Welcom from AZ, plenty of recources around here and plenty willing to help if your willing to learn Lots of young guys around your age here on the board as well. Look forward to seeing some pictures, and we always like stories on how you ended up with the car.
Thanks for all the welcomes guys. I can't post picture though do I need a certain amount of posts or something?:16suspect
Well then I guess since I need 8 more posts I'll tell you how I came across my maverick. I've wanted to buy an old car and fix it up since I was twelve but I never did anything about it until recently I was searching craigslist, ebay and such for an old camaro or mustang something old that everyone's seen like a thousand time. My dad walks in and asks me what I'm looking at, sees I'm looking for old cars and tells me to look up Mavericks I did, I fell in love with the looks. A few days later I was searching craigslist (for mavericks this time) stumbled upon my now "dream car". $1200 later and here I am now about to embark on my first car rebuild. anyone have an idea how I can get 7 more posts?
It's not that hard. Just start reading different posts, respond as you see fit. You'll be there in no time. Good luck on your car. Looking forward to seeing the pics.