On black shirts - Available for $13 each plus $5 shipping. Size Small-XL Add $1 for XXL Add $2 for XXXL Let me know if you're interested! ** EDIT 11/27/10 ** I have 10 Large and 10 XL of each red and blue - same price I still have a few of the other shirts too in various color mavericks (these shirts are gray) and sizes for $16 each
It would be cool to have different years, small and big bumper (lets not forget 73) IMO but i like the shirt design, nice job!
Same T-shirt material as the old ones? If so, I will take two in XL. I really like my other two, and the shirts are nice and heavy material.
Put me down for 1 small and one XXL, let me know payment info Very cool and simple design, I love it!
Looks GREAT! Is design on back or front? If on the back,,, any chance of getting pocket shirts? Thanks! Will be ordering some for sure! Dave
Excellent. Best shirt yet. Very modern, subtle, and it can be worn out without my wife giving me a dirty look. I'll buy for myself and my kids.
Man finally a t-shirt that's not gaudy most are way to busy I love it I want one of each a maverick and a comet let me know how to pay you ........AWESOME SHIRT!!!!!!!!!