Hi there, I just got a 70 Mav 250cid. It's been sitting since 1986, so I have a lot of work to do. Even after sitting that long all I really had to do was put a new battery and it fired right up. It still has much work to be done though. Just put on 4 new tires(all were flat and rotted out) all new fluids and filters. Next gotta figure up why the trans slops into reverse by itself. Anyways, nice to be here. Located in SoCal. Thanks Jeff
from Atlantic Canada! More pictures, please! Just looking at your avatar, it looks like a nice looking car! Is the ignition on the dash or on the column?
Congratulations on the new car. Welcome for Northern Nevada. Make sure you check the flexible brake lines, those cause bad things when they fail.
It's a common issue with Ford '60s/'70s column shifted auto trans... Problem is due to worn bushings in the linkage, plus the design of the transmissions that have a assist spring that's always trying push the trans from park into reverse... There is a kit of bushings in the HELP section of the auto parts stores, probably need two kits and I still wound up making one of my bushings from some hard plastic I had on hand... BTW Welcome...
Um yeah, the breaks definitely need to be gone through. I just drove it around the block and the brakes were pretty scary or should I say the lack there of. However it does run and shift very well for how long it's been sitting.