First, let me qualify myself... I had a '76 Mav 2-dr between '96 and '98, bought for $500 with 50k orig miles and a few mechanical issues (bad rebuilt carb, heater core shot, crummy shocks, etc). Money troubles and a fender bender made it necessary to sell her. Always felt bad about letting her go. I recently bought a '72 Mav 4-dr, 61k miles, but she needed alot more TLC than my limited car skills could give her, so she's off at a restorer. Hope to get her back next week. I'm 45, and cars have changed alot since I was a kid. I miss cars that were made of metal, and I tend to think that having more onboard computers and servo-motors doesn't make a car better, just more likely break. I s'pose this is part of my mid-life crisis. My wife thinks it's alot better than running off with the dental hygienist, or buying a metal detector and wandering around the beach in black socks, sandals, and plaid Bermuda shorts. So you could say I bought the '72 for sentimental reasons. Right now I'm just looking to get her roadworthy. My other interests: railroad photography, tube radios, swing-lounge jazz, tattoos, boxing history, 1930s music, betting the ponies (tho not recently). I hope to learn alot from all of you.
Welcome aboard! :Handshake There isn't a better hobby around. Just beware, this one is very addictive.
hahaha, thats my friend tom's old car. he just sold it on ebay a week or two ago. that car lived right up the road from me for about a year and a half even spent some time parked at my place and i gave it a little tune up before he sold it good luck with 'er
this your car? i dont know how far up in PA you are buy we'd love to get you and keep your maverick in our local ford club. we go to all kinds of cruises in the local DE area and that was the only other Maverick in the club lol
Welcome from Pittsburgh Pa! Our #s are growing here in the Keystone state! Where in Pa are you and what's the dental hygienist look like? Congratulations on your new hobby!
Thanks to all for the warm welcome. newtoford - Yep, that's the car. Seeing how connected the Mav community is, am not surprised someone recognized her. Hadn't thought about events yet, but let me know what's coming up this spring/summer. We're in the Philly area, so not far away.
theres usually a local car related activity every weekend around here from april-sept. just casual cruise in's and stuff like that. nothing really judged or anything so no pressure lol