Hello my fellow Maverick friends. I just joined the community and look forward to hearing stories, and trips/tricks for the Maverick. Figured I would introduce myself... Name is Levi, I own a 1970 Maverick & live in Eastern Washington.
No, Spokane is in the Eastern Top corner of Washington, on the border of CDA, ID. Western Wa is Seattle, Tacoma area. RSH, the things I would do for your setup...
Welcome to the madness. I live just south (Boise area) of you and there are a few of us around your area. We love pics and we try and answer questions. Again welcome to the madness.:Handshake
from Oklahoma, most information/questions you're looking for can be found/answered by using the search function.
Thanks for the insight. I have been lurking for about a week but wasn't able to register due to a issue with the forums itself. So I said screw it and emailed the admin and begged to be let in the cool kids club Also I've been around on forums for some 10 years now so i understand the search And thanks everyone Also, is there a thread already made that can gather information about other owners in my surrounding areas? Like a roll call thread?
At the top of the page where the headers are, click on community and a window will drop down and then you click on members list, after you get into the members list area a window on the right side will appear search for member, underneath there will be an advanced search option, click it and put in Washington, Idaho, Oregon or wahtever state you desire and it will bring up members in those areas. Hope this doesnt confuse you as much as explaining it was to me. BTW Welcome from Oregon :Handshake