Hi folks, For those that could not make it to the Roundup this year, you can now get a good look at the cars there. While I was there, I walked the entire field of cars on show day, shot video, and did a bit of commentary on details I could recall the car, mostly from discussions with the owners over the days leading up to Saturday. After four stabs at editing it all down, I have it done, and it still spans over 20 minutes. To get them on YouTube, it still had to be broken into two parts due to length. Sorry if the commentary is a bit rambling at times ... it is pretty hard to focus on shooting the video and commenting simutaneously. So, grab a beverage, and have a look ... Part One ... Part Two ... [nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a-khids0HQ"]MCCI Roundup 2011 Video Coverage Part 2‏ - YouTube[/nomedia]
What a great video Jeff! Very enjoyable to watch....and it gives those that haven't yet made it to a roundup, a glimpse of all the fun. Thanks for making and sharing it.
Very cool Jeff!!! I didn't even realize you were filming. It was nice meeting you and I am looking forward to seeing you at the next Roundup. Thanks for sharing the video.
It's my pleasure guys ... had a great time there and thought it might be a good way to get others involved. If I do this again next year, I might want to turn camera duties over to someone else and maybe do commentary with some notes. I think the end result would be much, much better.
Yeah,on a related note... we can all thank technology that you now have to look to see if someone has a Bluetooth hanging out of their ear, before assessing their lack of sanity when you catch them "talking to themself".... it used to be easy ... them jabbering away, you cross to walk on the other side of the street, end of story ...
thats why those people just buy blue tooth ear pieces, you'll never know they're talking to themselves lol
Soooo Tody, are you making arrangements for a container to ship your Comet over for next year's Roundup? Glad you liked the videos ... I know making it to the Roundup can be a big stretch for some folks. That is exactly why I made these. We'll see if my car is actually at next year's ... the wife is suggesting that we trailer it ... driving from Florida with no A/C might test her limits.