hi my name is markst subscibed to this site.im hoping this will help me with my project car.i have a 1973 comet ...my new issue is that i cant find what everyone is calling a brake proportioning valve,personally i never heard it called that on these cars but thats wat everyone is calling it. can someone point me in the right direction
my troubles started when i got in my car and the brake pedal went completely to the floor everyone sugestted that i replace the shoes and bleed the brakes so i replaced the shoes replaced the bleeder screws due to old ones where completely seized up and snaped when i went to loosen the screws so i replaced them. then started replacing the brake lines and had to get adapters to fit them properly into the proportioning valve .so as i went to install the adapters for the new brake lines i noticed one went in slightly ofset took it out and tried to rethread the prop valve to find the adapter would not thread in properly so thats where im at right now on my project .so if any one can help out that would b great always looking for advice and solutions to my problems
Wow, well, I’m trying to follow the logic of the advice that you received and the work that you have done. If you bled the lines, none of the wheel cylinders were bad and the pedal was still going to the floor, I would have replaced the master cylinder. I’m not sure why you went through all the grief to replace break lines unless they were rusted out. Are you talking lines which are steel or do you mean hoses which are rubber? In your first post you say you don’t know what a proportioning valve is but in your second you say you were getting adaptors to fit into it. I’m a little lost here as to what you are looking for. Are you looking to buy a new one? If you are looking for a proportioning valve, your best bet would be a junk yard or post a wanted ad on this site. Do you have disks in the front? As for brake lines, you might want to try here: http://www.getdiscbrakes.com/catalogsearch/result/index/?p=1&q=maverick I’m not sure if I helped you or not. Maybe take a few minutes to articulate your issue a little better and hopefully we can help you out. Micah
with the adapter comment it sounds like he changed the M/C and got a different than stock replacement...
try adjusting the shoes you have to get the slack out of the shoe to brake drum that will give you a higher pedal hieght
Yeah,I don`t think he is talking about a proportioning valve as they are generally only used on drag & circle trk cars,I don`t think a production car would have one.