So Monday I changed my heater core because of a problem I thought I was having, it being the heater core had some sort of problem causing it to leak. I noticed this problem weeks ago but didn't have time to get to it. As I replaced it I couldn't pin-point the exact area of the problem but it got worse. Opening the hood to get the bolts to the heater box I saw that at majority, if not all, connections for cooling had some sort of leak. I thought that those leaks were caused because of the heater core "flaw" so to speak. After all was replaced I left the rad. cap off and started up my car to find out some "perfect" news. There was no flow of coolant in the radiator at all. I know that this is the second water pump I got from the same manufacturer, the first was defected w/o a propeller. I think its the water pump since there was no pressure in the lower hose, but I dont want to conclude to that yet! I do have a few questions regarding water pumps though. What can cause water pump failure? What can clog it( even though I cleaned the system)? Is it possible to damage the propeller without doing damage to the rest of the water pump? I only ask because searching online is starting to become unreliable when each article and post contradicts another, even though it might be the same everywhere else! (including this site) I know there either some experienced enthusiasts or mechanics on this site that could help! It would save me time from going from one shop to another, time that I don't have!
do you have the water pump with the correct water flow direction? most likely anything that would clog/damage the water pump would do the same to the heater core and radiator. if you have a T-stat installed, remove it and then look for flow. you can also remove the "return" heater hose and check for flow.
If there is no flow your engine would overheat right away. Do you have a temperature gage on the car? If not, get one of those infra red temperature guns and check the engine's temp at the block, heads manifold and the radiator. Shut it down if it hits 200 F. Depending on on the thermostat rating your temp should be 170 to 190 F. Dumb question but is your fan belt still there? MD
Everything I bought is correct and flows in the proper direction! I do have a temp. gauge installed but I doesn't work properly even though it is new. I had to buy a new one since the old one that was installed snapped the cord that connected from the manifold. The temp. on the gauge in different from the pyrometer. I did know that the car would overheat almost immediately since the previous water pump didn't work properly. I thought that it was somehow possible that the cold weather might be helping the cooling since there is no flow at the moment.
why did you install the previous pump that didn't work? how long have you had an overheating problem?