Hey it's me again Now that I've started to look into my car I just keep on going fixing all I can haha For a tiny little while there has been a small metalic clanking noise on the front right side of my car, when running over pot holes or bumps and lately as I am breaking, I was afraid it was a break issue but any action on the brakes while stationary did not result in any noise. I've looked below my car and around the wheel and all I've found is this part attached to the control arm (see attached photo) which is a bit loose. So I'm guessing as it's loose any time the wheel passes a bump of course it makes a noise and the breaking and slowing down of the wheel might have some moving action to this area that would make it clank too? Stop me if anything I say is none sense My main questions are : -what is the name of that part and of the rubber parts of it so I could maybe change them (they are a bit old and worn)? -would changing those require a re alignement afterward? -does it need to be really tightened or once the rubber parts are changed does it sit with a bit of play? Thanks! sorry for the long explaination!
1. Stabilizer bar link. Rock Auto has them for around $5. You should also replace the stabilizer bar bushing for about the same price. http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/moreinfo.php?pk=3576057&cc=1132119 2. No need to re-align. 3.You want to get them somewhat compressed but it still needs to have some ability to flex. At is an easy thing to fix. Micah
Noise could be a "shock". I had a similar noise that drove me nuts. Found out the rubber bushings where missing under the shock.
Thanks Craig, I'll double check that too, the shocks are pretty new so are the controle arms, boil joints and bushing down there, so I'm guessing / hoping it's not that though hahaha. But one can't always be sure, so many bushings and linkage down there...
I'd just tighten up the link bar removing the slop for now to see if the noise changes. It does need to be replaced but in the interest of finding the problem, just tighten it. Check the bushings in the shock ends and also the rubbers on either end of the spring. Make sure the spring is seated correctly. Examine your ball joints to ensure they are not cracked and functioning correctly. I had this issue once where I would hear a metallic "pop" sounds from the front end while going over undulations in the road. Turned out that a couple ball joints installed on my brand new control arms where busted.
thanks Chris for this detailed list of possible issues to be checked, especially the last one as I did recently changed my control arms. I'll spend some time below my car this week-end!
it's going to sound dumb but after 40 years below, those bolts are the most tightened one I've ever encountered!!! I have soaked them in WD40, tried my hardest, waited, did it again they are so dusty and somewhat rusted they are not moving a bit, any advice short of cutting them or having a torch (which I don't)? Thanks a lot!
I wud have it on my list to replace all the rubber suspension bushings; most likely, they are all in need of replacing after 40yrs of service. Even if they don't stop the noise they have served much longer than intended.