Hello, I'm looking for a little advice. My wife wants a Maverick with AC but nearly every car out there that she is interested in are non ac cars. How much of a pain is it to add a AC system, what parts do I need and how costly is this conversion going to be? Please let me know. Thanks!
You need the full dash and heater box out of a a/c car, the compressor mounts, compressor, pulleys, condenser, lines, heater controls, and heater by-pass. Basically find a parts car with a/c and you'll be set. Most southern cars and west coast cars had factory air, very few northern cars ever had it back then.
Honestly I think you will find all the parts a tough find if you piece it out. I would recommend finding an AC car to begin with.
You can do a aftermarket kit from Vintage Air or another. You are looking about $800+ going this way but its all brand new modern parts and no dash removal.
U are referring to under dash unit? If ur going for OE in-dash; Im pretty sure ur going to do what others have suggested and go for the parts car. The under hood stuff alone, will cost 800+ for the aftermarket units.
You can do great and a/c through stock vents or under dash unit. They are less expensive then you think.
Which kit is compatible? I haven't seen one for the Maverick/Comet. What about using the system from a... 2000 Mustang GT? Couldn't that be used as a donor if you already have the dash vents etc.?
I have been planning on a trip to the junk yard for just that reason. I figured there was something out there that can be retrofitted to our cars. Biggest issue is the condition of the evaporator, it would be the pits to get it together and find it leaks. You would also have to pick up the other consumables too and at that point was it cheaper or more money?
I'm just going to use a complete under dash kit.. We have a place called nostalgic air here in town.. $749 for everything and they will crimp your lines once you mock them up, then charge the system when your ready... I don't have a show car so as long as it cools I'm happy....
That is a really good price. I have spent that getting a factory AC system up and going on a factory AC car.
I think he means crimp the aluminum ends on the raw rubber line once you size them up for your vehicle.