I told my a-hole mechanic to put in 20-w50 and he put in 5-w30. What "bearing" will this have on my seals? He also overfilled it by a full quart. Should I just walk in and smile and punch him in the face?
You should change your own oil. Then again......you are in California. Are you still allowed to change your own oil in Weirdifornia or has that been outlawed as well? Mechanic probably did you a favor with the 5W-30 but I would double check the oil level. Too much can easily be drained if necessary. Or you can try and punch him in the face. Remember one thing though.....they typically have a variety of hand tools close by. Including hammers.
I'm not sure I understand why you would want to use 20w-50 anyway? Thicker oil makes your engine work harder. You will get better mileage and performange with thinner oil. 10w-40 should be good for your 200. For extra protection, synthetic is the way to go. The extra oil in the crankcase will also cause you engine to work harder. The Chilton book says 5W-30 is recommended if the anticipated air temp will not be above 32 degrees before your next oil change. So yeah, you are going to have to punch your mechanic in the face. I personally would drain a little off and run it, and change it out earlier than later. dont enter any ralley races in Mexico ..UWOYTIB..
Most people are familiar with oil's viscosity rating—10W40, for example. However, very few may know that the "W" refers to "winter," not "weight." And most of us have no idea what the weight-rating numbers actually mean other than that the vehicle's manufacturer specifies a particular viscosity