Ok. took off the intake. There is oil in the valley. So I prime the motor again and and watch the lifters. Got oil coming out around the part in the center of the lifter around the clip but next to nothing out of the center hole. When i spray break clean thru the side hole of the lifter most of it comes out around the clip. Got to call comp cams on monday i guess.
ive personally never worked with solid lifters but i would think a solid lifter would be solid. could you have hydrolic lifters? having hydrolic lifters set with .005-.010 lash may cause a oiling problem. im not sure. im just throwing out some random ideas. im interested to see what comp says.
They are for sure solid lifters and call for .018 to .020 lash at the rocked tip. It's just weird that oil isnt coming out the center hole.
its a good thing that your observant enough to catch this problem. i dont know how many people i know would never verify proper oiling like that.
RobbieG, When you say "Clip", what do you mean? It's been along time since I used solid lifters, but there shouldn't be a clip on the top of the lifter. The only lifter that has a clip is a hydraulic lifter. How about a picture. As Bryant said, I really salute your attention to detail, you have just demonstrated how very important it is to prime the engine with the valve covers off to make sure you getting oil to the valve train.
I talked to the Comp Tech guy again. They are going to send me another set of lifters. (i had to buy them) but they will refund me for the old ones when i send them back. Hope this fixes it.
I have been researching your problem and came up with this. It is not the only place that I found it mentioned. http://www.hardcore50.com/vbulletin/archive/index.php/t-36964.html
Well, I guess the lifters doe have a clip, they must use the same barrel for hydraulic and solid lifter............ So, what did Comp say they thought the problem was???????? Just curious if they had an idea. I have never used Comp but I guess a lot of people do.
Thanks for the info Mike. Interesting reading. i hope the new set of lifters fix the problem. If not i'm going to mod a set to oil the way i want them to. Comp has no idea what might be wrong.
i just came across this thread http://www.theturboforums.com/smf/o...il-pump-after-engine-build-no-oil-to-rockers/ it may work for you
no oil up top If you have to notch the lifters You can use point edge of flat file, cut off wheel or end mill. Groove needs to be very minimum.
why wouldn't you want to fine the problem... were there mods done to the set of lifters that you took out of the motor? if you mod the lifters and for some reason one or more of them fail a short time later or wipe a cam lobe, there will be no getting Comp to fix or replace anything... ...and if you mod the new lifters and still no oil...you will still have to fix the problem... I'm a...find out why it don't work...type of Guy... ...JMO...Frank
I Pulled the motor back out sunday. I was thinking the same thing. Better to fix it than bandaid it. There has to be something plugged up somewhere. i'll let you guys know what I fine.