Me and my Buddy headed to our local track Sunday for opening day and as some of you know I rebuilt my top end this winter so I really wanted to see how it would do since the car is really running strong. On my 3rd pass I launched good at 3k slid all over the place but managed to stay in it and get down the track bad part is as soon as I went through the traps I got an very loud surprise at 102mph that propelled me upward then parts were flying every where. So now I need a new tranny, drive shaft and a starter. Lots and lots of pieces, what a mess.
You are very lucky you still have all of your appendages! Seriously, a friend of mine called today...same problem. He has a Isuzu pickup with a 408" windsor, runs low 6's in the 1/8 on spray. First pass with the "new" truck, the driveline broke and when it did, the part that was still attatched to the transmission swung around. Took out the planetary, floor, shifter was blown off of the tunnel and hit the roof, with his hand still on the shifter the whole time. That driveshaft in the Isuzu was a stocker that he had laying around the shop. Really thin material. His was so bad that the track starter rounded up a band, part of the planetary set, reverse ring gear, high gear clutch and the band...and bought it back to him while he was getting out of the truck. The only thing left was a converter, pump, and bellhousing. The rest was ON the track. I hate to hear of broken parts, and especially broken body parts but these things happen..too often. Hope you get that thing back up & running soon! ....with a blanket or trans shield of some sort!
It was at Capitol, it sheared the ears off the starter and cracked up the bell housing pretty good as well. engine seemed to be running fine when I killed the fuel and shut it down I had to reach in the scoop to undo the rear air cleaner so I could open the hood I guess the hood shifted around. Pieces were flying up every where and my friends thought I hit the wall but I got it over pretty quick and by chance stopped right in front of the ambulance.
It happened as I crossed the finish line thats how I know how fast I was going I suspect the tranny just locked up and exploaded. I guess the rear must have sheared the drive shaft the reason I say this is the yoke for the drive shaft was still in the tranny with the ujoint cups still attached. By the way this was the heavy FMX, you got any C4's up in Martinsburg?
Sorry to hear, glad you didn't get hurt. Performance Automatic near you is worth checking out! Good luck!
Man glad you are OK...Look at the bright don't have to go back to the shop and say...gotta pull the trans. and see whats wrong with it!
I guess I was spinning close to 68 or 7k although my chip is set at 7k but I did'nt hit it. Prior to this I had future plans on replacing the FMX with a lighter C4 so the good news is it will come out pretty easy now since almost half is gone.