This is a picture that I found this weekend when I was visiting my mom. It is a picture of my dad and I when I was about 5 months old in July of 1977. Now for the interesting part. At least to me. behind us was my parents 1971 Maverick.It was a 250 6cyl., 2 door with black and white checker seats. Some where out in front of our house was my dad's '69 yellow charger. In '79 when my dad got rid of the charger for a Hornet he added air shocks and wide tires on the back of the Maverick. It was his way of getting back at mom for getting rid of the charger. The Maverick was the sportiest car they had. My mom bought it in 1971 when she was 17 and had it till about 1990. It sat in our yard from 1983 till then. My parents tried to sell it twice and each time my mom would back out with tears and telling the person that she could not part with it. My parents had three boys and the car was not big enough. They upgraded if you would call it that to 1981 Fairmont wagon. I never realized how small the car really was till I got mine and I am not strapping a car seat in the back. Not too easy. The car was finaly sold to a younger guy about 25 miles from our house in 1990 and he was going to restore it. He drove it right out of our yard. That was suppose to be my car when I got my license in '94. I thought I would share this with you all as what was my first experience and love for the Maverick. P.S. This picture is also special to me beyond the car. My dad pasted away 7 years ago.
The back seats seemed bigger back then because we were a little smaller and depending on what state you were in there was probably no laws for car seat. My mom and dad had a 66 Olds 88 when I was growing up. I remember bouncing all around in the back of that car seats. I couldn't imagine tossing my kids into the back seat like that now days. Cleaver
cool story. thanks for sharing. and about the back seat. I am a fairly "sized" guy and let me tell you....there is enough room in the back seat to. ....well, lets just say the end result could call for a car seat:bananaman