After overhauling my comet, i needed an alignment. I lowered the trays 1 inch, converted it to manual steering. did a disc brake switch etc... I got it aligned and after a couple months my tires are screeching because it is out of align so much. nothing came loose, i never hit any bumps or potholes. i took it back to the shop and they cant figure it out either. any body have any ideas? Thanks in advance for your time.
If he didn't get the camber cam bolts tight (very tight) they will sometimes slip and the camber will change to way Neg. This will also throw off the Toe.
i have the shock tower braces. i just bought a monte carlo bar because i believe that is the issue. an i tightened everything hanging. that probably didnt help either.
This could be the problem. Once the suspension got down where it want to live at…it took the alignment with it
For any part with a rubber bushing this is also important. If you tighten the fasteners with the suspension hanging, the rubbers will be twisted and won't last! Always assemble and let the car sit with it's weight on the ground and then do your final tightening.
if the tires are scrubbing the toe in is way out if the alignment shop can't figure it out find another shop
Agreed. These cars are very simple from a technicians point of view. There is no excuse for not figuring this out. Get another tech. to work on your front end.