Hi everybody, I am thinking mount a overflow tank in my 1974 ford maverick, but I dont Knowthe right hoses installation, the overflow tank have two hoses one top and one bottom, which one must be install to the radiator plug, the top hose or the bottom hose? Another question....what is better a overflow tank or a coolant reservoir?
I think your one on top is actually the overflow hose for the overflow bottle. The one on the bottom will be hooked up to you tube coming from the neck of the radiator. I found a perfect size tank in a junkyard that came off a Geo. Fits perfectly between the washer reservoir and horn. As you can see, all the tubes in mine enter and exit at the top. The hose closest to the washer reservoir is the overflow for the overflow.
This was installed on a Maverick. As long as your hoses are tight and you got a good seal on the radiator tank the answer is Yes, It will suck coolant back when cool after all the air is purged.