This is just like mean mavericks car but its green.. it has a white painted top to. It looks factory not sure though. It was wrecked beyond repair though. Still working on a price but it should be mine soon. I wander how many mavericks had painted tops?
if it doesnt have a v8 or a floorshift setup you should get this one pretty cheap lol! theres not much left of it thats worth anything
not trying to rain on your parade but does not seem to be much good on that car I have about 2 dozen doors and fenders , they cost to much to ship just be careful how much you pay not over 200.00
The hood,decklid,Passenger door,Passenger fender, Passenger quarter. Then i will scrap it.. To bad it was hit so hard
dang that thing is rough. $100 car to me, on a good day painted tops were part of a special package group in 71 and 72. mine is a '71 and is one of 419 with it's paint and trim codes according to my marti report. needless to say if it's a painted top, there wasnt many made. you can check to see if it has a metal plate to hold the vinyl down. the plate is located just inside the fender, you'll see it when u open the door. if the plate is there, it was vinyl. if it doesnt have a plate, it was painted
you need to look on the nashville for mavrick......found it while looking for mustang stuff... Robert
i'd pay no more than $80 for that. 4 lug, demolished drivers side but i guess if you needed some good sheetmetal for a passenger side it might be worth it.
yeah i know. thats why i said if you needed the sheetmetal off the passenger side it would be worth it if you were close i'd give you my old trunklid
Yeah i dont but somebody will im gonna use the hood and the decklid. The main reason i want to buy it is the driver side door. Gonna bondo it up and sell it to gene for his comet!