So I'm a typical rural teenager..when it came time for the time-honored ritual of buying a first car, I thought outside the box. I ponied up my own hard-earned cash to beef up my budget a bit, and spent about a month staring wild-eyed at craigslist. And the thing is, the mavericks were running about $2-3000 cheaper than comparable cars, like a Nova or Duster in the same condition. But I picked up this car with the aid of divine providence; the car was posted on craigslist, but without any contact information. But we're in town to see a Mustang II (which was just awful), and I'm like "There's that maverick!", so we pull in, but the phone number had worn off the for sale sign. And then, all of a sudden the owner just happened to be there, at that time, and I gave $3600 pretty much on the spot. Well, I don't regret it. After getting used to the manual steering, I find my dad's Dodge Ram or my mom's Saab numb. No A/C, because it wastes gas anyway. Front bench seats, and those stupid, stupid two-part seatbelts. It averages 27 mpg and accelerates quite adequately, even working against the 3-speed slushbox. It looks pretty sharp, and I get lots of compliments... The previous driver was, alas, a bit of a ricer, not 1 dollar put to updating the engine, but some tasteful, yet expensive wheels, a black paint job with some ridiculous ghost flames around the grille, and a great stereo (well, can't say I don't appreciate that one). Also, his response to finding a hole in the muffler was to "leave it in, sounds cool brah". In addition, the heater core needs replaced. But nonetheless, it's a great car, and I love it. I have no desire to put a V8 or a manual tranny in, I'd rather just get a proper muscle car for that sort of thing. I'll probably replace the muffler with a long glasspack, maybe get headers when I have extra cash. Right now, everything under the hood is factory, so I've got plenty of room to work with...I mean, I couldn't ask for a better first car. It's cool, fuel efficient, and pretty easy on the insurance because it's a "family compact sedan".
Thanks for the welcomes guys! But honestly, if I ever repaint I'd go for a deep bottle green clear coat, perhaps with some black decorations. Black is just impossible to keep clean if you don't have a good garage...
Welcome! You made a stellar purchase (which you already know) and you'll fall more in love with it daily (which I'm sure you already know as well). I just bought mine a week ago, and it's been fun getting 'acquainted' with one another. Have fun!
Welcome from a fellow Hoosier. I host an Indiana Mini-Meet every year for the Maverick Comet Club International, Inc. (MCCI). You will have to plan to come next summer.
Welcome Gesithan!!! Congrats on your 72 did a very good job picking it out...and I think it is great that you, as a teenager, contributed some of your "own hard-earned cash" for it. If you ever have questions...this forum is THE place. There is one safety tip I will add: I am originally from the Midwest also...born and raised in Illinois...I have alot of driving experience there.... ....Since it sounds like you will be driving your Maverick from time to is important that you always keep in mind that the older cars, including your Maverick, DO NOT have anti-lock Brakes...and they do not handle as well as newer cars, including the seatbelts like you mentioned in your post. On the wet and icy roads that happen in the midwest in the Winter, make sure to drive slower, and give yourself PLENTY of room for braking. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you cannot help being on is best to ALWAYS AVOID IT...and your car is sliding is best to NOT slam on the brakes...and stay off the gas should just steer the car until it slows down.....and if you HAVE to push on the brakes some....then carefully alternate ON and OFF the brakes, so you're able to steer the car to a safe condition. Have fun and be safe!
Well I don't know about the brakes in your maverick, but in mine there really isn't a "slam" capability...but seriously...but I've heard that ABS can actually decrease braking ability on loose surfaces such as dirt/field/gravel, which are pretty common around here...
My Maverick came equiped with Anti-Stop brakes. Quickly converted to disks, new master cylinder and lines to cure that.