I have two photos of a drag car with a 300 cu/in six that I think would be of high interest. Need to know how to do this. Read the vB code help location but could not get an undrstanding of how it's done, to copy my file or direct from the scanner. Unless you don't want this kind of thing to be done, I will understand.. Ken
If you want you can email the pictures and I will post them for you. The vb code can be confusing and I think you have to upload the picture on the internet first. I can post the pics and then you can tell us about them.
After you scan your photos, it is just as easy to attach to a message as it is to email them. When you are adding your message, click the 'Browse...' button next to the 'Attach file' option. Just make sure you have resized the pics and saved them as .JPG files so they are under the size limit (which appears to be set to 102400 bytes). You browse out to your file and click 'Open', and when you submit your post, it will upload the file to the server and attach it to the message. Clear as mud, right? If you want to upload a larger version of the pics, you'll have to upload them somewhere else (if you have somewhere to send them) and link to them by clicking the 'IMG' or 'http://' buttons above. Or, do what Ryan suggested and email them to him.
So this board can upload and share pictures that aren't already on the net? That's the first time I've seen one work like that. I'll have to try that once I get my scanner fixed. I want to show you guys my car before it was painted.
You can upload 1 picture per post. If you have multiple pictures to attach, then reply the post to add some more. You can also "hot link" the image if the picture the server is on allows it. All you need to do is use the "IMG" button in the "vB Code" box to insert the url, when typing the message. Ill write up a little tutorial on how to do it.