ok so i give it a little gas, not like im gunning it, just to leave from a stop. when i do it doesn't really go and sounds like its about to die. then it will go and once im rolling im all good. i have a 302 c4 please help me! i cleaned out my fuel filter, and i dont think it that little elbow on the trans because in park, i rev it by the carb it still does it(sounds like its going to die)and it even has died twice!
how do i check these? and i dont know if this has anything o do with it, but it didnt do this a few weeks ago and has been sitting for about a week
Vacuum leak: Use a squirt bottle with water or spray can of carb cleaner (dont use starting fluid) its very flammable and you will find out real quick if you have leaky plug wires. Spray the base of the carb (where it mounts to the intake) with the water. If the engine stumbles you found your leak.If not spray all vacuum hoses and the intake manifold where it meets the heads. Listen for a stumble or hiccup from the engine. Accelerator pump: Open the choke all the way, shine a light in the carb, you will see a small squirter, pull the throttle with the engine off (like your revving the engine) You should see fuel squirt out of the squirters...If it doesnt...You may have found your problem. To check the float setting...You need to take the top off the carb. If your gonna pull it down to check...Just get a rebuild kit for it and go through it.
The accellerator pump should shoot fuel the instant the linkage moves. If it doesn't you WILL have the problem you're experiencing. SImply moving the linkage and seeing fuel squirt isn't good enough. It's got to squirt the instant the linkage moves.
ok so the squirters squirt right away, and i dont have a vacuum leak, my teacher thats into fords/mustangs said it could maybe be a timing issue?
Crud in the tank will give you fits...Go out and buy a timing light and learn how to use it...plenty of info here and else where about timing an engine...Good luck!!! Get yourself a set of ford manuals or a chiltons manual for mavericks/comets...