I'm having the worst time making my mind up on wheel size for my maverick. I do know I'd like to drop it a tad lower, and have a slight rake. I also am nearly set on torque thrust wheels. yes, they're on nearly every damned muscle car, but they look so good! I just haven't fallen in love with any other wheel yet. Anyhow, the old school musclecar look was small wheels, big tires. Today's fashion is huge wheels, small tires (small sidewalls) I'd like to meet this somewhere in the middle, but can't decide. one part of me wants to go 17 or 18x8's for the rear, and 17x7's on the front. Then the other part says to keep it old school looking, and use a 15x8 with a big tire on the rear, and a 15x7 on the front... IDK, maybe 16's?? what do you all think is the perfect look for our classic cars?
I've 15's all around and they look cool. Altough I wouldn't mind having 16's or 17's at the rear and 15's up front. If you like the look of thin and wide tires then go get bigger wheels. If you like meaty tires, 15" wheels are the best choice.
i think 17 18 is too big out of those wonderful cars stefan posted i'd say the only think i dont like about all of them is how big the rims are (sorry guys )
16x7 & 16x8 looks good,theres a dark green one in the foreign mav gallery w/them that looks really good.
pictures are a HUGE help guys, keep em coming!! I know corbin johnson has a black mav with torque thrusts...not sure what size, maybe 15's?
its not the big rims that throw me off on the other cars, its just that i dont like that tiny side wall, i think the car i posted has a nice rim, thats a good size and a good balance between sidewall and rim size. but then again if i had 4 lug 14'' rims i guess just about anything would be an improvment lol
i like the big wheels as long as there tucked under (you no the chip foooose look) if i could put 20 on the rear of mine tucked of course i would do it !!!!!!!!1
I'm old school,I like small,14 front,15 rear,but regardless I learned building street rods for 25 years,your eyes only see the wheel size not the tire(because it's black)If you run say 15's all around and tires 4 sizes bigger on the back than the front ,because your eyes see the wheels,the tires will appear the same size,If you want the big and little "look" run smaller wheels on the front,If you want that new "cafe" racer or "cayon" look,whatever the kid's call it now,same size all around,whether they are 15s or 18s...just my 2 cents.