Was just watching this movie again today and never really noticed it till now. [nomedia]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE4Gd9qyEf4[/nomedia] It's around 5:33 in the background.
Yep a green Comet GT very cool. Man i have not see that movie in 20 years. I just love seeing all that vintage steel rolling around and all the old rigs too.
Yep. That movie is so cool. And in that same clip it's the scene with all the rigs going through the small road and plowing through all the dirt to the melody of what sounds to be some classical song. Had to love the CB Radio craze. Don't know what it's like today but back then I understand it was one of the greatest things to hit the open road. It was basically the open road version of the internet but without the images. Just the open road and some interesting stories told.
I was there but only as a kid, my uncle and my step father were truckers back in the day and i remember the C.B. radio's on and blaring all the time. We also had them in all our custom vans. It was great to just cruise down the road hearing all the yakking going on, very cool indeed and brings back great memories.
Very cool picture, you'll have to tell me how to do that some day. That Comet is most likely long gone but because of you it is in an odd way still around or at the very least it's image.
to get a still image of your desktop find the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard(right above the "Insert" button). Push it, then open up an image program like Paint.... and then just Hit Control+V or edit paste
I tried but my paint program seems to have been deleted (by me, some how) so i don't think i can do it. Have any other ideas for programs that i can use to bring up the picture?
I drove semi back then, and if any of you ever seen the movie "30 Seconds over Tokyo" and remember the name of Van Johnsons plane that was my handle, The Ruptured Duck. Used to always have people thinking I was saying Rubber Duck, and would have to correct them. That CB Radio did save me from getting a bunch of tickets, since I was always in a hurry to get where I had to go. I do not think many people use them any more, with GPS systems and wi-fi and all they have now.
http://www.irfanview.com/ that program is great! sorry that i didn't reply back in February for some reason i didn't get my reminder
That's o.k. brother, i got my paint back, followed your instructions and figured it out, thanks for the help.